Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Venue #38: PAC House Theater!

Who was in the Tri-State area and has been experiencing the beautiful weather with us? It feels like Spring already!

We wanted to send some love to the Hudson Valley in New York, so we came up with this little number located in New Rochelle? It may be a more intimate venue, but we definitely think the boys work best this way too! So everyone, check out the PAC House Theater!

Remember, if you like a venue or have any questions/comments for us, please don't hesitate to contact us at BringBDtoEC@gmail.com and let us know what you think! (Please let us know, we want the boys here just as much as you do!)

Peace, Love, & Bonnie Dune! 

~The Bring BD to EC Team

PAC House Theater:

311 Huguenot Street
New Rochelle, NY 10801
(914) 740-5437


Eric Woodlin
(914) 740-5437


Parish House PAC is a performance and visual art space located in downtown New Rochelle. Presenters and producers of new theatre projects, music concerts and art exhibitions.

***All photos and information are courtesy of PAC House Theater***

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