Thursday, March 8, 2012

Venue #34: Union Transfer!

Another exciting day for us here at Bring BD to EC! The more venues we find, the more we're putting together to share with all of you! (Even if we haven't reached your area yet, no worries. We will be featuring them soon enough.) And now, let's share a new Philly favorite, shall we? It's time to venture to Union Transfer!

Remember, if you like a venue or have any questions/comments for us, please don't hesitate to contact us at and let us know what you think! (Please let us know, we want the boys here just as much as you do!)

Peace, Love, & Bonnie Dune! 

~The Bring BD to EC Team 

Union Transfer:

1026 Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
(215) 232-2100


The best way to get a show at Union Transfer is to send your press pack to:

1026 Spring Garden St.
Philadelphia, PA 19123

Please list a show history (including where, when, ticket price and what they drew—be as specific as possible). Please allow four to six weeks before following up with an e-mail. ( Of course, buying Sean Agnew a Bengal tiger is also a good place to start.


Please check out this link from Philadelphia Weekly to learn more about Union Transfer! 

***All photos and information are courtesy of Union Transfer***

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