Friday, March 2, 2012

Venue #30: Maxwell's!

It's Friday....and we've reached our 30th venue! So exciting to have so many places that we think the boys could play.

Today we're thinking about Hoboken, NJ. It's a fun, thriving area for anyone looking to try delicious food, find the 'Cake Boss', and/or check out live music! And on that note, we want to talk to you today about Maxwell's!

Remember, if you like a venue or have any questions/comments for us, please don't hesitate to contact us at and let us know what you think! (Please let us know, we want the boys here just as much as you do!)

Peace, Love, & Bonnie Dune! Oh, and enjoy the weekend!

~The Bring BD to EC Team 


1039 Washington Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
(201) 653-1703


Please mail all press kits and booking information to:
Maxwell's Booking
1039 Washington Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030


Maxwell's is a restaurant/music club in Hoboken, New Jersey. The intimate venue attracts a wide variety of acts looking for a change from the New York City concert spaces across the river.

***All photos and information are courtesy of Maxwell's***

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